Sunday, November 2, 2008

Banana Argument (draft)

Patrick wants to make Banana Argument the standard expression for non-starter arguments made by fundamentalists against science.

The irony runs further than that. The staple banana is, in fact, so perfectly designed for mass production and human consumption such that it's in perpetual risk of extinction. How? All the staple bananas you see in grocery stores belong to an Asian variety called the Cavendish. Perhaps "variety" is not the right word here -- they are clones to each other, genetically identical like twins. Therefore, if any disease can kill a banana plant, it can kill all banana plants. This hypothetical scenario is already happening: this month's issue (November 2008, p.) of National Geographic Magazine reports that Panama disease, caused by fungus, is wiping out the staple banana, starting from Malaysia. The same disease has done this before with a different, long-gone banana variety called Gros Michel ("Big Mike"). The Cavendish was thought to be immune to the disease, but the new strain of the fungus proved otherwise. In the evolutionary arms' race between host and disease, the one with less diversity runs out of ammo first.

Unfortunately, human civilization is becoming more and more like the doomed staple banana. Christianity alone has () followers, and the number grows by () each year. As Christianity spreads, other belief systems like paganism, indian tribe legends (used as a gross umbrella term here), Mayan? are driven to extinction. Ideas advocated by Christianity are accepted as matter-of-fact and written into laws. People consider themselves as managers of the resource on Earth, and one-step monogamous marriage to be part of their inherent nature. Numerous offsprings were considered a good thing, and to some extent still is for religious Americans.

To certain degree, this is inevitable. it's easy to see how belief systems advocating more offspring, asserting rights to use nature resources, and encouraging followers to evangelize every single foreign culture would win against more pacifist belief advocating living harmonious with nature. The same thing can happen even without supernatural belief -- Confucius believes, while explicitly agnostic, easily defeated the more pacifist 墨家 and more nature-harmonious 道家 , the forebear of Taoism to become the state-belief-system of China for thousands of years. More offsprings were also traditionally considered a good thing in China, even without obvious connection to Confucius believes.

Is such cultural monopoly a good thing? The answer so far is mixed at best, and most likely "No" in the foreseeable future. Recent report estimates that western diet caused () deaths around the world due to increased risks of (). Western cultural influences are also shown to have negative effects on females' idea of body image, causing diseases like anorexia. The western idea of marriage has disrupted the gradual approach to marriage in India, erroneously labelled as "child marriage" in the west. (bad consequences.) And if Coming of age in Samoa is anywhere near the truth, the matter-of-fact turbulent adolescence in the modern society is most likely just a problem manufactured by western culture, totally solvable. Sadly, it's now impossible to verify () Mead's work because the Samoa described no longer exists. We also have to walk in the dark now if we want to solve the adolescence problem instead of adolescents' problem, because significant society untouched by western culture or Christianity is now nowhere to find.

The most urgent issue is the preservation of the only known habitable planet, an idea somehow labelled environmentalism in English instead of just part of common sense. Sustainability is

Unfortunately, human civilization is becoming more and more like the doomed staple banana. Christianity and its close cousin Islam combined have () followers, and the number grows by () each year. At the same time, other belief systems like paganism, native American legends (used as a gross umbrella term here), (Persian fire-worshipping) are driven to extinction or near extinction. As ideas carr

Will human being's (almost) monoclonal culture eventually deny ourselves our future?

Friday, October 17, 2008

54 MPG car

The fuel economy is 23 KM/L, which is equivalent 54.1 MPG. I can't picture Americans buying a car like this though...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Processing Javascript測試

Original Example: Distance2D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Disparity of Advancement

Metal Gear Solid 4, 2008

Metal Gear, 1987

The much-anticipated PS3 game, Metal Gear Solid 4, was released last month. Justified by the stunning visual and audio sophistication, memorable plot, and innovative elements, it has generated a lot of media buzz and 3 million sales. It doesn't require much explanation when its screenshot is placed with one from the 1987 original Metal Gear to illustrate how far the gaming industry has come.

Geometry Education at 1986

Geometry Education at 2007

Perhaps generating conjectures in geometry, proving them, or providing counterexamples will never be as interesting as infiltrating a futuristic battleship to stop it from destroying a supercomputer on the orbit with a railgun. However, this fact wouldn't help a teenager with a PS3 setting in the bedroom to get more motivated to study geometry, and there are certainly ways to make study interesting. How about setting up some online competitions with real cash prizes for winners, where students get points for hypotheses, proves, and counterexamples? In case you wonder whether this is possible, there are similar systems for programming (ex. TopCoder), and
(To be cont'd...)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Give values and meanings to knowledge

"Believe," an upbeat worker at Quiznos in the Pierpont commons touted after I finished their rather decent sub.
"Believe what?" I asked.
"Believe in God."

As expected, we dived right into a crash version of the typical god-talk between a secular humanist and a devoted Christian, highlighted by a ridicule almost as old as Darwin's discovery. "So you think humans came from the monkeys?"

Despite its factual inaccuracies (the closest statement is that we share common ancestors, and monkeys are not our closest species, apes are), such ridicule summarizes the difficulty of propagating scientific understandings against Christian fundamentalism, and if my experiences with my former friendly Muslim roommate were any guide, against all religious fundamentalism. The false dichotomy between science and religion is too often associated with the struggles between values and "cold" facts. Somehow, it seems that if we swallow the facts that our status on Earth is not sanctioned by a higher being, we will lose important meanings that make us alive. As one of my friends from Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church put it, "If you believe evolution, you only get some scientific knowledge. If you believe in the Bible, you get a set of wonderful principles and guidelines".

This is understandable. It would certainly be comforting if we were created special with higher purpose, a purpose so high that is incomprehensible for us, and under the perfect love of the Creator. The ultimate inevitable (A few scientists on the verge of science fiction would disagree, though) many people dread about is not in His original plan. Death is merely a glitch that can be fixed with faith. Heaven awaits us, as the projection of the desired perfection. It is very plausible that it would sadden the Creator if we deny that we are His creations.

However, bear with me and believe for a moment that human beings, defined as Homo sapiens now, evolved from a common ancestor that we share with chimpanzees, as suggested by sheer and ever increasing weight of evidence. What would this mean? Our parents gave unconditional love to us, the love we will in turn give to our own children, along with generations of hopes and wishes that our descendants will live a more prosperous, meaningful life than us. Although neither provable nor falsifiable, millions of years of such affection throughout the history of human evolution should carry weight beyond imagination. I would believe that thousands of generations of our ancestors would want their descendants to live in comfort, both physically and spiritually. But what if in doing so, we deny their existence? It is not unlike sons and daughters who, after reading a bestseller, claim that they are created miraculously and deny that they are born to their parents because they are somewhat ugly and not as intelligent. In a sense, it is exactly that.

All these might be too philosophical and abstract. But there are also real-life implications if people are willing to accept human evolution and forsake castle-in-the-sky explanations of our origin like creationism. By definition, our nature is derived from our origin. Controversial and nascent as fields like evolutionary psychology might be, we should benefit from scientists' struggle to understand human nature with a healthy dose of caution, if we are willing to put aside the cynicism of implementing anything involving laws and politics. An example hypothesis: if for thousands of years, children grow up with their parents and other responsible adults, learn from them as apprentices and contributing members of their family, and become fully-fledged adults as teenagers, should we be surprised that children usually have trouble adapting to school, develop vacuous teen culture criticized by books like The Dumbest Generation when they spend time with each other rather than with adults, and become sexually active when they enter adolescence? Please don't get me wrong. I am not advocating "Return to the nature" - spiritual left can be as problematic as religious right - nor am I rejecting the notion of individual responsibility. Nevertheless, the adaptability of our children (and ourselves, for that matter) should warrant appreciation, with hardships recognized with compassion -- if we are willing to think in the framework of our real origin and acknowledge its implication on human nature as a possibility. Perhaps in this information age with amazing devices like iPhone, we may even adjust this system to fit the nature of a child.

US is incredibly religious by western standard, and I am still wondering if our off-the-chart prevalence of ADHD medication for children and adolescents (doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.26.2.450), highest rate of teenage pregnancies among developed countries, and our rejection of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are all coincidences. While the freedom of religion should be protected by all means, it wouldn't hurt to give values and meanings consistent with our best knowledge a chance. After all, they don't have the head start of ancient believes.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


雷諾瓦的「Studies of nudes, artist's children, and his wife」(網站上寫的標題是「Studies of Pierre Renoir; His Mother, Aline Charigot; Nudes; and Landscape」),展出於芝加哥的Art Institute




Saturday, March 15, 2008



cation, anion

cathode, anode


Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Question


The People's Questions:

Politics is about governing people. A single decision can change millions of people’s lives, for better or worse. What mistake in your political career do you most regret, and what did you learn from it?

Ann Arbor, Mich.

現在回頭看才發現...那句"Politics is about governing people"根本就是國父說的「政治是管理眾人的事」的英文翻譯嘛...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Exposing Chemistry


Sunday, February 17, 2008



Kissing cousins, missing children

藉助於冰島可以一路回溯到維京人祖先的詳盡人口資料庫,科學家發現有最多子孫(字面上的意思:兒女跟孫子女)的婚姻既非近親通婚也非血統毫不相關的夫妻,而是兩者之間:血統關係約為所謂third cousins與fourth cousins(同高祖父母還有...同太祖父母的表/堂兄妹)之間的婚姻,照台灣的民法算是八等親與十等親之間。




Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ice Skating!



至於Ice Skating這玩意嘛...基本上最難的還是維持平衡,尤其是在邊推動邊滑的時候。我在四五十分鐘換場前雖然摔了一次,不過已經可以半滑半走了。換場一方面是讓大家都有機會滑,另一方面是更新冰面:一堆冰刀滑個四五十分跟刨冰機也沒什麼兩樣(爆。場地淨空後,會有小型的專用車清理、灑水讓場地重新結凍。



Thursday, February 7, 2008





Tuesday, February 5, 2008





Monday, February 4, 2008


幾乎同一時間,niconico的niwa news也出現了相關新聞:

有趣的是,現在Google News日本版共有五則相關報導,卻只有讀賣新聞明說是受到海外壓力(精確的說,是美國壓力:駐日大使今年在讀賣新聞的投書)。不知道是不是日本媒體為了民族自尊刻意隱瞞...

之前(在橫濱看的免費英文雜誌)也有看到批判日本在伊拉克戰爭等國際議題沒有自身的道德判斷的聲音,以"parasite nation"的強烈用詞抨擊日本對美國亦步亦驅的盲從...


Saturday, February 2, 2008











Thursday, January 24, 2008



Polar Bear Habitat and Heritage Village
